About the Program

Welcome to the IGAD Region Blue Economy portal, your gateway to exploring the dynamic and sustainable use of our marine and freshwater resources. Our mission is to drive economic growth, environmental conservation, and social well-being through innovative and responsible practices. Join us as we work together to create a prosperous and resilient blue economy for the IGAD region.

Thematic Areas


Blue Economy

This is a 3-years project funded by the Government of Sweden through the Swedish Embassy in Ethiopia. The project seeks to improve the governance of the Blue Economy in the IGAD region and its Member States. The three key objectives of the project are:

To establish a functional Blue Economy structure at IGAD to cater for the regional and national needs (selected member states of IGAD),


The E€OFISH Programme is a Cross-Regional Initiative funded by
the 11th EDF to leverage regional cooperation for enhancing
sustainable inland and marine fisheries in Eastern African,
Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean (EA-SA-IO) region. The
overall objective of the programme is “to enhance equitable
economic growth by promoting sustainable fisheries in the EA-SA
-IO region”. The specific objective is “to support sustainable
management and development of fisheries in order to contribute
to poverty alleviation, food and nutrition

Reports and publications

Regional Blue Economy Strategy and
Implementation Plan for 5 years (2021-2025)

The Regional Blue Economy Strategy and Implementation Plan Action Plan was realized by Prof. Pierre Failler under the close supervision of Dr. Eshete Dejen of the Environment Protection, Agriculture & Environment Division of IGAD

Regional Knowledge Fair, The Blue Economy Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries & Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation.

The Knowledge Fair is organised by the ECOFISH programme in partnership with AU-IBAR and IGAD in Mombasa from 13 to 16 June 2023

Training of Trainers (ToT) for Fish Post-harvest Loss Handling, Quality Control and

Fish is one of the most valuable sources of high-grade protein available especially because of its high content of essential amino acids. In spite of low lipid content, fish fats are dominated by unsaturated fatty acids…….

News & Media Section


Ministers Endow IGAD With A Blue Economy Strategy

The Minister of Livestock & Fisheries of South Sudan, Hon Onyoti Adigo, wrapping up the Ministerial meeting for the adoption of the National Blue Economy Strategy 2023-2027


Our Partners

The Blue

The Blue Economy efforts aim to harness the economic potential of marine and freshwater resources while ensuring their sustainability. Through innovative practices and regional cooperation, we strive to create jobs, boost incomes, and enhance regional prosperity.

Fisheries and Aquaculture.

Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture are critical to food security and livelihoods in the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) region.

Shipping, River Transportation, Trade, Ports, Maritime Security and Safety

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Coastal Tourism, Climate Change, Resilience, Environment/Ecosystem and Infrastructure.

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Sustainable Blue Energy and Mineral Resources and Innovative Industries.

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Policies, Institutional/Governance and Innovative Financing.

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