October 06, 2023 (Kotido – Kampala, Uganda): IGAD organised a stakeholder meeting for actors implementing Gender and Climate change actions in Uganda. The actors included several Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) including the Ministries responsible for Energy, Ministry of Local Government, Ministry of Gender Labour and social development, Climate change Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Uganda National Meteological Authority, FAO and Civil society among others. The stakeholder meeting was part of the ongoing Gender and power analysis undertaken under the “Towards enhancing gender Equality in access to Land resources for transformative climate change adaptation project funded by the Africa climate change Fund of the African Development Bank.

The Stakeholder meeting was preceded by community level Gender and power analysis consultations that were conducted in Kotido District using different methodologies including Household interviews, Participatory focused group discussions and key informant interviews with local Government officials, Civil society organisations and UN agencies. The gender and power analysis is driven by key objectives inter alia:

  1. a) To identify, examine and understand the gender-specific forms of social inequalities as well as power relations and systems related to climate change vulnerabilities.
  2. b) To assess the factors that perpetuate women’s limited access, ownership and control of productive resources and the underlying challenges they face in dealing with the climate change phenomenon.
  3. c) To determine the nexus between the gender specific climate vulnerabilities, and the limited access to, ownership and control of resources
  4. d) To develop evidence-based and context-specific recommendations for transforming unequal gender and power relations and ensure social justice in communities vulnerable to climate change

So far, IGAD has undertaken a similar exercise in Mandera Kenya and will be doing the same in Djibouti this month. The results of the exercise will inform delivery of interventions that respond to the needs and vulnerabilities of the target communities. In addition, IGAD and Member states will also utilize the findings to inform policy and to scale up interventions beyond the project scope.

For more information, please contact the Project Lead

Ms. Joselyn Bigirwa

Gender and Land expert/Gender focal point, Agriculture and Environment Division.

Email: Joselyn. Bigirwa@igad.int